1885 Minnesota Census Statistics
Birthplaces Population Counts Racial Counts

1885 Minnesota Census Birthplaces
Wright County

This page provides a breakdown of the birthplaces of the people enumerated in Wright county in the 1885 Minnesota Census. Apparent variations in spelling and misspellings of birthplace names are grouped together based on Kinsource's best judgement. All spellings for a group are listed under 'Entries'.

The top 10 birthplaces in Wright County were:

New York

The count for all birthplaces in Wright County was as follows:

Birthplace Entries Count
unknown blank 136
not sure Ahoyo, M L, N O, P V, W T 7
Alabama Alabama 7
Arkansas Arkansas, Ark 2
Austria Austria 7
Bavaria Bavaria 18
Belgium Belgium 39
Bohemia Bohemia 130
California California, Cal 19
Canada Canada, Can 972
Colorado Colorado 1
Connecticut Conn, Con, Ct, Cann 34
Dakota Territory D T, Dakota, Dak 13
Delaware Delaware, Deleware, Del 4
Denmark Denmark 25
England England, Eng 133
Europe Europe 2
Finland Finland 332
Florida Florida 1
France France 51
Germany Germany, German, Ger 2,343
Hanover Hanover 5
Holland Holland 41
Holstein Holstine 1
Hungary Hungary, Hungaria 23
Illinois Illinois, Ill 397
Indiana Indiana, Ind 392
Iowa Iowa, Ia 121
Ireland Ireland, Ire 534
Italy Italy 5
Kansas Kansas 17
Kentucky Kentucky, Ky, Kantucky, Kty, Ken 152
Lapland Lapland 1
Louisiana La 1
Luxembourg Luxenburg 4
Maine Maine, Me 426
Manitoba Manitoba 2
Maryland Maryland, Md, M D 31
Massachusetts Mass 93
Mecklenburg Mecklenburg 1
Michigan Michigan, Mich 276
Minnesota Minnesota, Minn 9,800
Mississippi Miss 6
Missouri Missouri, Mo, Mosourri 76
Nebraska Nebraska, Neb, Ne 6
New Brunswick New Brunswick, N Brunswick, New Bruns, New B, N B 50
Newfoundland Nfld 1
New Hampshire New Hampshire, N H, New H 56
New Jersey New Jersey, New J, N J 17
New Mexico New Mexico 1
New York New York, N Y, N York, Ney York, Long Is 716
North Carolina N Carolina, N Car, N C, North C, North Car 35
Norway Norway 280
Nova Scotia Nova Scotia, N Scotia, Nov S, Nova S 42
Ocean Ocean 2
Ohio Ohio, O 477
Ontario Ontario 1
Oregon Oregon 3
Pennsylvania Pa, Penn 426
Poland Poland 125
Prince Edward Island Pr Ed Iland, P Ewd I, Pe I, Pe Island 5
Prussia Prussia, Prussian 151
Rhode Island Rhode Island, Rhode Is, R I 13
Russia Russia, Russian 2
Saxony Saxony 6
Scotland Scotland 26
Sweden Sweden 2,770
Switzerland Switzerland, Switz 60
Tennessee Tennesee, Tennisee, Tenn, Ten 11
Texas Texas 9
Vermont Vermont, Ver, Vt 146
Virginia Virginia, Va, Vir, Virg, E Va 138
Wales Wales 8
Washington Territory Washington T 4
West Virginia W Virginia, W Va, W Vir, West V, West Va 225
Wisconsin Wisconsin, Wis 295
Wyoming Territory Wyoming 1
Total Population 22,789

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