
Minnesota Tales

The Jackson Republic, August 13, 1886, p. 1


Cargill Bro's and Hodges & Hyde have suddenly awoke to the cold fact that Jackson means business on the independent warehouse question. Their first move to bust the scheme is a good one. Each has put in an affable, gentlemanly and, we have every reason for believing, honest agent, with instructions to pay all the market will allow, and they are doing it. Mr. Wm. Matson from Fairmont represents Cargill Bro's and Mr. T. C. Eddy from Lanesboro Hodges & Hyde. If these firms could furnish convincing assurance that they will keep prices up, hostilities might possibly be suspended; but it is not likely that to the hands which have done so much to wreck this market will be instrusted the work of building it up.

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