
Minnesota Tales

The St. Paul Daily Globe, October 30, 1895, p. 2

A. O. U. W. Entertainment.

A Large Audience Enjoy a Good Programme.

Central hall was crowded to the doors last night with an audience that thoroughly enjoyed an entertainment given under the auspices of the ladies of Eureka lodge, No. 9, A. O. U. W. The programme comprised a well selected assortment of musical and literary numbers. The music was furnished by the Twin City Mandolin club. Charles E. Strong, vocal soloist; Mrs. E. H. Parnell, pianist; Mrs. O. L. Leinau and M. E. Goodwin, vocalists. Franklyn W. Lee and Miss Lizzie Pattison contributed clever recitations. The solos and duets were well rendered, and the numerous encores were thoroughly deserved.

A social hop followed the entertainment.

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