
Minnesota Tales

The St. Paul Morning Globe, October 11, 1880, p. 1

Conley's Variety Theater.

Conley's Variety Theater is the only regular standby place of amusement in the city; it is open every weekday evening, and the entertainment is worth double the price of the small admission charged. Mr. Conley takes especial pains, and he never spares expense to please his patrons. This (Monday) evening he offers a decided novelty in the performance of the celebrated Indian woman, Ne-osk-lea-ta, and her daughter Lilly Leona, who have created such a sensation in Eastern cities. Their performance is in addition to the regular carnival of fun which can be depended upon every evening. Mr. Conley's present troupe is the best he has ever had, and in many respects is far superior to the traveling companies who draw crowded houses when they visit St. Paul. With his late additions of new scenery and other improvements, together with an excellent company, and his personal supervision, Conley's Varieties will compare favorably with any theater in the country.

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