
Minnesota Tales

The St. Paul Daily Globe, June 12, 1887, p. 10


Miss Nellie Gable has returned to her home, 1214 Eighth street south, after three years at Hellmuth Ladies' college, London, Ont. Mis Gable brings with her the highest honors of her alma mater, having graduated gold-medalist and been awarded the Leipsie scholarship, which represents one year's instruction at the Leipsie Conservatory of Music, in Germany, all expenses being paid by Hellmuth college.

Miss Maude Buzzell has taken possession of the telegraph office at Hotel Lafayette. Miss Buzzell has made many friends at the Lafayette during her long service there; she is now beginning her fifth season.

Miss Daisy Lovering will spend her vacation with her mother at 225 South Fifth street. She has just completed a twenty-five weeks' tour with the Billy Marble Dramatic company.

J. Hyde Monroe and family have removed to Minnetonka for the summer. Their friends will find them cozily quartered at Peace cottage, Zumbia Heights.

Miss Etta Haines, of Waukesha, Wis., and the Misses Gertrude Haines and Nannie Boyd, of Chicago, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Broughton.

Rev. W. T. Chase, D. D., of the First Baptist church, began his vacation yesterday. He has gone east with his family to spend two months.

Mrs. James Fridley and son Harry, of Lawrence, Kan., are visiting the family of J. H. Herriman, of Bryant avenue north.

Mrs. A. M. Parker and Mrs. J. I. Brown have gone to Brooklyn for a fort night's visit with Mrs. James Weaver.

Dr. J. M. French and family, of Carbondale, Mo., are in the city. They will go to the lake later in the season.

Miss Luella Stone, of Lincoln, Neb., is visiting at the residence of her brother, on West Thirteenth street.

Miss Della Paxson, of Lafayette, Ind., is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Daniel Worth, of Aldrich avenue.

Dr. A. Blitz and family have taken the Bovey cottage, Point Lookout, Minnetonka, for the summer.

Miss Laura Hill, of Galesburg, Ill., and Miss Carrie Francis, of Quincy, are visiting Mrs. Myra Allen.

Miss Robson, the artist, has gone to Lake Superior where she will spend the summer in sketching.

Eugene M. Wilson and family left last night for a European tour. They will return in October.

Rev. C. J. Tyrell and family, of St. Louis, are in the city, and will summer at Minnetonka.

A. R. S. Lattuck and family have gone to their lake cottage, Vue de l'eau, for the season.

Miss Mary Anderson, of Albany, N. Y., is visiting her sister, Mrs. C. L. Summers.

Miss Anna Small, of Milwaukee, is visiting relations in this city.

Mrs. J. E. Frink, of Burlington, Io., is in the city for the summer.

S. P. Channell and family have gone east for a two months' visit.

Mrs. W. C. Byron and son, Brayton, are visiting in Cleveland, O.

Mrs. E. C. Cauvet and daughter have gone East for the summer.

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