
Minnesota Tales

The Rothsay Record, September 18, 1897, p. 1

A Sunshiny Corner.

There is a pleasant sunshiny corner on Upper Street where until recently the village youths were inclined to roost. The owner of the premises who thinks he sees prosperity in his sight - provided the village council do not interfere, and provided also that the pestiferous youths, whose appetites and supply of unearned increment were inadequate for his use, would only slide on some other cellar door. The small boy nuisance was disposed of by a novel if not neat device. A trocha of axle grease was smeared over the sidewalk surrounding his abode and the youths roost elsewhere. The owner of this joint will find however that his axle grease trocha will not avail against the majesty of the law, and our eagle-eyed council.

On Tuesday evening as Squire Parks was holding down a large section of our prohibition sidewalk and trying to work up a case for his court the next morning, Alderman Bowman came along and called his attention to the peculiar phenomenon of a moonlight rainbow. The dark visaged squire pretended not to be able to see the thing, and the fat alderman smiled a queer kind of a smile, said something about the awful smartness of some people, gave his coporosity a slight shrug and started toward home whistling that favorite tune of his, "All girls look alike to me."

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