
Minnesota Tales

The St. Paul Daily Globe, April 3, 1880, p. 2

Wanted to Take to the Woods.

"Well-a-day, ah me, to the woods I'll away; and from thence I'll never, hardly ---- stray." Jerry Malloy was in the act of murmuring the above refrain to a sweet melody at the opening of court yesterday morning, and had reached a point in the stanza indicated by the dash when two young sprigs of the law jumped to their feet and made a frantic break for the door. At the same time Clerk O'Brien crained his neck over the railing and shouted, "Plaster his yawp," which was the signal for Bailiff Dowlan to snatch the offender into the bull pen bald headed. The prisoner looked as if he might have been struck by a section of the day of judgment as he stood transfixed with amazement. "Stand down," cried the court, "you are accused of being drunk." "Y'er honor, I came down from the woods yesterday morning and I took a drop of something to keep me spirits up and take the chill out of my bones. If your majesty orders me to lave I'll go right back to the woods." One eye of the prisoner's was draped in mourning and he cocked the other sympathetically upon the bench as he cast himself upon the mercy of the court. You'll do nothing of the kind, sir, replied his honor, "you have outraged decency and will stand committed for three days." Thank y'er worship, was the reply, as the dizzy worthy was led out of the court room.

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