
Minnesota Tales

The St. Paul Sunday Globe, October 17, 1880, p. 8


75 MEN to surface track at Grand Forks, $1.75 per day, free fare; 30 wood-choppers for Fort Buford, cottonwood, $1 per cord, board $4 per week; tie-makers at Millston, Wis.; wood-choppers on Duluth railroad, 70c, soft wood, free fare; 5 cabinet-makers in city, work by piece. Employment Bureau, 123 East Third street, up-stairs.   289

ANY one having $4 or $5 to invest, can make that much daily. Call and be convinced, 79 East Seventh street.   290-91

THREE canvassers or salesmen to solicit orders for the New Howe Sewing Machine. Liberal inducements to good men. It is not necessary to be an experienced salesman in order to make good wages. The Howe Machine Co., 25 West Third street.   289-295

WANTED - A position of some kind, at desk or in store, by a young man of 19; has 8 years' experience in a wholesale house. Address W., this office.   279

NOTICE - Parties wishing to have their chimneys cleaned will please leave orders at Mr. John Dowlan's wood office, corner of Wabashaw and Fifth streets, or Messrs. Smith & Lewis' wood office, Seventh street. M. HOBAN.   267

A WIDOW LADY and daughter would like to take charge of a furnished house for the rent, this winter. References given. Address HOME GLOBE office.   268

FALL PLOWING to let by the acre, in large or small contracts. Farnsworth & Newcomb, Moreland farm, Hancock, Minn.   264*

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