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Minnesota State Reform School Inmate Records Database

The following lists the names of the 169 inmates included in KinSource's Minnesota Reform School database. Some inmates had their names spelled in more than one way in the records, or they had multiple names listed, so all names are listed. Subscribe to the KinSource Archives to view these records.
Achilles, Ferdinand Gilbride, Philip O'Niell, Byron
Achilles, Fred Ginter, Albert Oates, Henry
Ahlgrim, Charles Gustafson, Albret Orr, Edward
Alcom, Emil   Ott, George
Aldern, Charles Hall, Walter  
Allen, Harry Hammer, Albion M. Pellott, Fred
Allen, John Heerman, George W. Peterson, Charles
Allen, William Hemmingway, Eugene Peterson, Fred
Allen, William Henderson, Harley Peterson, Frichief
Aman, Emil Henderson, James Israel Peterson, Joseph
Ammann, Emil Henry, John Porter, Henry
Anderson, Frank C. Herman, Edward Portman, Mark
Archembault, Joseph Hinman, Sheridan Pottgieser, William
Armstrong, John E. Hitter, Frederick Poucher, Wilkin
  Hohns, Alice Preston, William
Ball, Lottie Holten, Frank Pruka, Jacob
Bastian, Peter Homsby, Henry Purkey, Arthur Nolen
Beaver, Martin    
Beck, Oscar Irving, John Ream, George
Bergstrom, Joseph   Reem, George
Bierman, Elmer Jackson, Charles W. Rennwanz, Eddie
Black, Frank Jackson, Thomas E. Reynolds, Alice
Bowen, Luella Jerezinski, E. Ritter, Anna
Buchel, William Jewrtsky, Michael Rolstein, William
Buckley, Henry Johnson, Erick Rosenblott, Getzke
Burcher, Jacob Jonson, John Russell, Ella
Burchert, Christian   Ryan, John
Burns, Frank Kadidla, Frederick  
Butts, William Kelley, Frank Sandusky, Joseph
  Kiselka, Frederick Schmidt, Willie
Carlson, Carolina Sophia   Schultz, Henry
Carman, Charles LaClair, Nettie Seedar, Emma
Carson, Albert LaFord, Fred Selbig, Hans
Clark, Earl C. LaFour, George Selvig, Hans
Clark, Frank Larson, Louis Sexton, John
Cloutier, George Larson, Magnus Shandon, Philip
Conkling, William Lawrence, John Silvas, Joseph
Corcoran, Willie Lewis, Gilbert Simpson, Robert
Coughlan, John Lind, Charles Smith, Edward
Cyrs, Frank Lind, Mary Smith, Frank
  Lindsley, Manley Smith, John
Dean, Clark Lutton, Ole Smith, Patrick
DeComsey, Leslie   Stees, Christopher
DeComsey, Robert Madson, Charles Stees, Frank
Doken, Frank Manke, William Stewart, Willie
DuQuette, Charles March, Nettie Straus, Amelia
DuQuette, Frank McCadden, Andrew Sullivan, William
  McDonald, Arthur Sumner, Guy
Easthagen, Charles McDonough, Martin  
Easthagen, Frichief McGivom, Frank Taylor, William
Edwards, Charles McGivom, Peter Thompson, Charles
Eichom, Otto McNaughton, Robert Thompson, Della A.
Eldred, William Mercer, George Tilbury, Charles
Elliott, Edwin Mercer, Joshua Tilbury, George
English, Thomas Metheny, Arthur Toher, Thos
Erickson, Emil Milan, Frank  
Esthagen, Fred Montour, Henry Vandersluis, John
  Morgan, Carroll C. Vincent, Fred
Fanta, Frank Murphy, Michael Vinton, Charles
Fauta, Frank Murray, Michael Vinton, John
Fetton, Allie    
Fink, John Nagel, Maggie Wallace, John
Finn, George Nobles, Dora Ward, Julia Ann
Flitsch, Geo Noddin, Charles H. Welch, Willie
Flitsch, Gustav Noel, Julius Wilbur, Charles Henry
Frankinson, Frank   Willigan, Otis
  O'Brien, Edward Wilson, Marcel
Gaikauwski, John O'Brien, Thomas Wilson, Patrick
Gallagher, Fred O'Conner, James  
Gerard, Frank O'Donnell, Michael  

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